BNC19, Leeds Art Gallery
Jan Agha, Eleonora Agostini, Justin Apperley, Ismay Bright, Roland Carline, Liam Ashley Clark, Becca May Collins, Rafael Pérez Evans, Katharina Fitz, Samuel Fordham, Chris Gilvan-Cartwright, Gabriela Giroletti, Roei Greenberg, Elena Helfrecht, Mary Herbert, Laura Hindmarsh, Cyrus Hung, Yulia Iosilzon, Umi Ishihara, Alexei Alexander Izmaylov, Paul Jex, Eliot Lord, Annie Mackinnon, Renie Masters, Simone Mudde, Isobel Napier, Louis Blue Newby, Louiza Ntourou, Ryan Orme, Marijn Ottenhof, Jonas Pequeno, Emma Prempeh, Zoe Radford, Taylor Jack Smith, George Stamenov, Emily Stollery, Wilma Stone, Jack Sutherland, Xiuching Tsay, Alaena Turner, Klara Vith, Ben Walker, Ben Yau, Camille Yvert and Stefania Zocco
14 September - 17 November 2019
Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2019 will launch from 14 September to 17 November 2019 at Leeds Art Gallery, coinciding with the final weekend of Yorkshire Sculpture International. Constantly evolving and developing along with the changing face of visual art in the UK, BNC 2019 marks New Contemporaries 70th anniversary.
The panel of guest selectors comprising Rana Begum, Sonia Boyce and Ben Rivers has chosen 45 artists for the annual open submission exhibition.
The show will then travel to the South London Gallery from 6 December 2019 to 23 February 2020.